Highland Nursing Home Workers in Kansas City Approve Strong New Contract

Highland TA shot

Highland TA shot

CNAs, CMTs, Laundry Aides, Housekeepers, Cooks, Dietary Aides, and RAs at Highland Nursing Home in Kansas City recently voted to approve a new four-year contract!

Highlights of the agreement include:

  • The addition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a paid holiday.
  • A new uniform paid for by the facility on an employee’s anniversary date.
  • Locked-in premium costs on health and dental for four years.
  • Reduction in investigatory suspensions to five days.
  • Major increases to wage scales, with some employees seeing as much as a 23.31% raise!

Huge shout-outs to the Highland bargaining team, which consisted of leaders Cherie Brown, Nayisha Jordan, and Donald Evans, who led their coworkers to this great victory. Congratulations to all SEIU members at Highland!

When we fight, we win!