SEIU HCII Backs Kwame Raoul for Attorney General – #HCIIVotes

SEIU HCII is strongly supporting Kwame Raoul for Attorney General because Kwame has a proven record that shows he’s always been on the right side of the issues that matter most to our members.

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Raoul is the child of immigrants and the father of two. He knows firsthand the opportunities our state and country afforded him and his family. He’s been outspoken against the racist, anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies coming from Washington, D.C. and as Illinois Attorney General will help lead the opposition to those who are turning their back on the ideals upon which our country was founded.

After succeeding Barack Obama as a state senator, Kwame has led the way as a champion for fair wages and good benefits, safer working conditions and workplace protections, equitable school funding, criminal justice reform, and equal rights for women — including the right to make their own health care decisions.


Kwame is a prostate cancer survivor. His father, a community physician, and his grandfather died from the disease. He will strongly oppose Republican’s efforts to allow health insurers to deny coverage on the basis of a pre-existing condition.

Raoul knows that one-third of Americans under age 65 have pre-existing conditions and, like him, any person in our state is just one diagnosis away from having one, too. Kwame was proud to co-sponsor Illinois’ expansion of Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, and he will defend Illinoisans against Republican attempts to take away their healthcare by repealing or weakening the ACA.

As an attorney, Kwame’s sought justice for crime victims and as a state senator he’s worked to reform the criminal justice system to move it towards focusing on policies that will actually make communities safer, rather than wasting lives and taxpayer dollars imprisoning non-violent offenders.

He’s also helped pass major political reform legislation that has greatly improved government transparency and new laws that protect consumers and senior citizens from being victimized by scammers and con artists.

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A vote for Kwame’s opponent, Erika Harold, is a vote for failed Republican Governor Bruce Rauner. Rauner has provided more than half of Harold’s campaign funding – $1.85 million.

Harold shares Rauner’s anti-union, anti-living wage, anti-affordable health care and anti-environmental protection priorities. As we’ve seen over the last two years, it’s important to have an attorney general who will fight for Illinois’ values and priorities. But, rather than stand up to Washington Republicans, Harold will be a rubber stamp for their policies that are only for the benefit of wealthy individuals and powerful corporations.

It is essential that we all do our part to get Illinois back on the right track by voting — and encouraging our friends, family and neighbors — to vote for Kwame Raoul for Attorney General.

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